Teruel Lab
  • Department of Chemical
    & Systems Biology
  • Taylor Crisologo
  • Administrative Associate
  • p: 650-725-0678
  • f: 650-723-2253
  • tlc95@stanford.edu

Stanford University

Stanford Medical

Stanford Chemical and Systems Biology

© 2025 Teruel Labs

Laboratory of Diabetes and Obesity Signaling

Lab Opportunities

Join us

We invite applications from talented and motivated graduate students and postdoctoral candidates with relevant experience in cell biology, fluorescence microscopy, image analysis, proteomics, bioengineering, biochemistry, molecular biology, computational biology, and related fields. Please email a statement describing your research interests, a CV, and contact info for three references to: mteruel@stanford.edu.

Ph.D. students

Candidates for graduate study should apply through the Chemical and Systems Biology (CSB) program. For application information and more details about the graduate program, please visit the CSB Departmental web site.


Postdoctoral positions available to study cell signaling control of cell differentiation at Weill-Cornell Medicine in New York City

The Teruel laboratory is moving to Weill-Cornell Medical School (Cornell University) in New York City and seeks two self-motivated postdocs. You are an ideal fit if you are interested in using live-cell imaging approaches to study how the cell-cycle and circadian rhythms control terminal cell differentiation, how terminally differentiated cells can be instructed to de-differentiate, or how progenitor cells chose between different cell fates. The new laboratory is well-equipped with multiple top-of-the-line automated microscopes and makes use of engineered fluorescent reporter cells to understand signaling processes regulating the cell cycle and differentiation. As a main model system, we are using white and beige models of adipogenesis (fat cell differentiation) where we have already generated useful reporter lines and imaging approaches that can be used to answer fundamental questions about the regulation of cell differentiation. We are interested in researchers who have primary expertise in either cell biology, molecular biology, microscopy, transgenic mouse models, or computational biology, with a long-term interest in interdisciplinary quantitative cell biology research. For examples of our past research, please refer to the following publications: (Cell Reports 2012, PMID:23063366; Science 2014, PMID:24948735; Molecular Systems Biology 2018, PMID: 29759982; Cell Metabolism 2018, PMID:29617644; Zhao et al, bioRxiv 2019, DOI 10.1101/632570).

Weill-Cornell Medicine, Cornell University’s medical school, is located in Manhattan, New York, and offers an exceptional academic environment, full of collaborative interdisciplinary opportunities within Weill Cornell Medicine as well as Rockefeller University and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Interested candidates should submit a single PDF file that includes a statement describing your research interests, a CV, and contact info for three references to Dr. Mary Teruel at mnt4002@med.cornell.edu.